When the municipality of the Turkish city of İzmir announced a tender for construction of a cable car system, Leitner (Germany), Doppelmayr (Austia) and a Turkish consortium consisting of STM Teleferik and Yapi Kur won the fierce competition and became the final three bidders.
Since the bid submitted by Leitner was the best, the company was announced the winner.
However, it was never awarded the contract. Despite its best bid, Leinter lost to its Turkish competitor. The reason was the absence of Turkish language translation of its bidding documents which were all written in English.
According to the Turkish law, bids made in a foreign language must be accompanied by a notarized Turkish language translation. By the way, Doppelmayr also failed to submit its offer in Turkish.
Was it reasonable to ignore the requirements of the law? Or did they want just to save on translation?
The market price for quality translation in the English-Turkish language pair is about USD 0.15 per word. An hourly rate for editing translations is USD 30.00 per hour and USD 20.00 per hour for proofreading. The notarization doesn't cost a fortune either.
So, for some reason, the foreign bidders went without the help of professional Turkish translators. And they did saved on translation. But they lost a contract valued at about USD 4 million.
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