Military Discharge
I'm currently translating a military discharge paper from Italian to English. The person completed a compulsory year's service and is now completely exempt from any military service for his country. In Italian it is "Congedo Illimitato", do I need to find an equivalent classification, or can I just call it "Military Discharge Certificate", with a subheading "from active obligatory service"?
The translation would be read by an Australian, if that changes anything.
Answered by have not been able to confirm your translation choice with a dictionary. However, references available on the Net suggest that your translation is accurate and understandable, and as such will do for Australia, I believe.
Discharge Papers (Foglio di Congedo Illimitato)Source:
Italian genealogical records: how to use Italian civil, ecclesiastical & other records in family history research2.
congedo illimitato - certificate of dischargeSource:
Discharge Records (Foglio di Congedo Illimitato)Source:
andare in congedo illimitato - be discharged (army), go back to civvy street (British; army), go on long furlough (army), leave the service (army)Source:
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