Language Translation Tips


Lending Helping Hand to Translation Clients in "Translation Jungle"

What do translation clients want? A GOOD language translation. They do not (and should not) know all aspects of the translation process. But if they know the aspects they can influence to get a good translation, if they control the controllable, it can make life easier both for them and for translators.

For individuals and companies equally, buying a translation is often a source of stress.

What to look for in a good translator/ translation company? Is it better to hire a freelance translator or a translation company, or a staff member of the language department of a local university?

How much will it cost? And what is a reasonable price for translation?

How translation quality will be assured? Is it necessary to use services of a second translator to edit/proofread the translation? To localize or not to localize? Is free online translation any good? ...

These and many more questions often remain unanswered, and occasional users of translation services have to rumble through the "translation jungle" finding all the "do's" and "don'ts" out the hard way on theirs own.

Translation professionals have valuable answers and tips. Sometimes, they complain about client ignorance, but often do not place emphasis on educating clients and addressing client frustration. Do you have a…

Great Language Translation Tip?
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Create a web page with your tip or cautionary tale that can help translation clients and get discovered by them. (Make sure you include your contact information so prospective clients can get in touch if they decide to use your translation services. You can not include HTML when you create a page. However, I can include a link to your site in the process of reviewing your submission.)

Language Translation Tips of Other Translators

Click the links below to see what advice other translators give to users and buyers of translation services.

Think International and
Set Realistic Deadlines
Going global is advantageous to any company because it generates more sales and profits and reduces dependence on a local market. In their efforts to expand …

Successful Document Translation Not rated yet
Document translation is extremely important as it is central to the smooth running of international business. Many translated documents carried out by …

Discounts in Translation Fees Not rated yet
There are translators that never give a discount. I personally, as a professional translator, do not welcome discounts in translation fees either, but …

Crowdsourced Translation and Your Project Not rated yet
Discussion: Crowdsourcing Translations. Press the Play button in the player controls to view the video. A successful Facebook's crowdsourced …

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_____________________________________________________________________ Website owner: Irina Lychak, self-employed freelance linguist, Russian translator, Ukrainian translator, Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine

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